As we are upright in heart we are gifted with gladness. Being upright in heart relates to feeling grateful for the gift of life that we have. Being upright in heart relates to facing adversity with uprightness. The old adage chin up does apply here. No matter what we may be facing that may seem challenging to us if we remember to remain upright in heart we we feel a sense of gladness. Gladness for the opportunity at hand to be true to the Lord and for the  opportunity to let the Lord’s influence have its expression on earth though us. Really what more could we be glad for. For the opportunity to so serve the Lord is our commission that is what we are here for. When we are not so serving there will be a lack of gladness and a feeling of futility. There are some deep choices to be made here. And granted we may not have always kept our chin up when challenged. Know that growing in grace and stature requires an awareness of how we are expressing ourselves. It is important to recognize if our expression is true or not. When it is not it is good to take note and to return in heart to a sense of thankfulness and gratefulness for the gift of life. And  knowing that we are always instantly and completely forgiven for any lack of true expression. We must  receive that forgiveness in our own hearts and move on with our living along with seeing what it will take to keep our chin up.

Inspirational Renewal

When you are feeling like something is irritating you take it as a sign that you need to return to what really matters. This can relate to turning to the verses in the psalms that can bring an inspirational renewal. I always like to acknowledge that the “Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” and all we need to do is to turn to the things of God. As we do in humbleness and in a recognition that we need inspiration as we deal with our life circumstances we can find the way to be restored to feeling well and whole.

When you feel stressed turn to the Healing Verses!

I live by the adage that when you feel stressed turn to the things of God. When you do you are never disappointed.  Sometimes there are times when you do not feel like doing this. This is a clear signal that your orientation is off and that it is time to give thanks to recognize that you are off the mark. As you do this you will find something melting in your heart that brings to remembrance your love for the things of God. At this point you will find that as you read a verse from the Psalms or the bible your heart will further relax and give even deeper thanks for the spirit carried through the words that bring comfort and tranquility. I also appreciate the words that the kingdom of heaven is always at hand as you allow yourself to be in position to receive it.

Remember Your Birthright!

As there is Diamond Jubilee celebration for the Queen of England there is to be a celebration not only for her nobility but for our nobility. The verses in the Psalms are a reminder that we all come from noble birth and that the richness of spirit is ours to know. The qualities of thankfulness and appreciation that permeate the verses are fundamental elements to bring us a sense of peace, comfort and perspective. Here is the place to live whether we live in a palace or in suburban America or wherever. 

Creativity and Healing Verses

In times when we may feel that we have lost our creativity and enthusiasm it is essential that we find ways to let our minds relax in the midst of our present circumstances. Taking a walk or reading a verse from Healing Verses of the Psalms can be just the thing to let your mind turn to that which would bring refreshment. This in turn can serve to bring to mind creative ways to handle your present circumstances . Whether reading a verse or finding another way to find a sense of peace is essential to our spiritual wellbeing and the fulfilling direction of our lives.

How well can we forgive?

At  times we may feel the irritation of seemingly being badly done by. How well we can forgive in these situations plays a part in the development of our character and our sound contribution to this world. When we turn to reading a healing  verse and immerse ourselves in the spirit of it something can be made new whereby our hearts come to  rest and our minds can think sensibly. The gift of the provision of healing verses are at hand. Turn to them as needed and continue moving in the direction of greater character and stature. The world needs you.

Why Read Healing Verses?

Obviously we may turn to reading the verses when we are feeling challenged. And it is good to do so. Ultimately the reason to read them is that we find steady ground ourselves so that we are then in position to assist others who are feeling challenged. Our lives are really fulfilled as we assist those we are in direct contact with as well as those who we do have an influence with. We need to open our eyes to how we can serve others sometimes just by sharing our stable presence with them. Here is a key to fulfillment and the reason for reading the verses.

Healing Verses are Sacred Words

Why is it that when we feel stressed many of us turn to the things that would allay our turmoil. For some the things turned to may not be constructive. It has been said in times of stress are our greatest moments for growth and the development of character. Turning to the verses in the Psalms when feeling challenged are a way to direct our feelings and thoughts to that which would be constructive. As we consider the words and hold them sacred something  of encouragement and light does arise. We have been gifted with the words not only for times of  stress but also for times to cultivate a sense of right orientation in our hearts and minds. Let’s keep oil in our lamps by considering the words of the Psalms and the bible in relaxed times also so we have a reserve available for when we are faced with challenges.


The verses of the psalms as well as other verses in the Bible give us all touchstones for our hearts and minds to be given the spiritual food that is necessary for invigoration and wisdom. I have acknowledged in my life that when things seem very tough the words that come across my mind are “turn to the things of God.” Turning to read a verse in the psalms is a way of turning to  the things of God. We are never left bereft. The provision for what we need to come back to a place of peace and perspective is always at hand. It is said that there are more bibles circulating in the world than any other book. Know that you are never bereft and turning to the things of God in tough times and in quieter times is essential. Let there be some time in each day  spent on cultivating our connection and communion with the things of God. Here we can know a life that gives us a sense of  gratitude and appreciation for the life that we do have.