The verses of the psalms as well as other verses in the Bible give us all touchstones for our hearts and minds to be given the spiritual food that is necessary for invigoration and wisdom. I have acknowledged in my life that when things seem very tough the words that come across my mind are “turn to the things of God.” Turning to read a verse in the psalms is a way of turning to  the things of God. We are never left bereft. The provision for what we need to come back to a place of peace and perspective is always at hand. It is said that there are more bibles circulating in the world than any other book. Know that you are never bereft and turning to the things of God in tough times and in quieter times is essential. Let there be some time in each day  spent on cultivating our connection and communion with the things of God. Here we can know a life that gives us a sense of  gratitude and appreciation for the life that we do have.

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