There is a LORD of Hosts. Let all our heart be so given as we provide a unified host for our world. Blessed be God.
I find it good to know that we are constantly ascribing something. We are constantly imprinting our body and its influence on the world by what we are thinking and feeling.
When we ascribe unto God we are cognizant of the influence we have on the world in honor for the privilege of being alive in this day. If not us then who would be the one’s to Godly influence the world. This is not a complicated thing. In simple terms as we orient our thinking and feeling on the attitudes of such thankfulness to be alive in form in this day we are ascribing our influence out through our body unto the world.
In essence as we ascribe unto God the feelings of thankfulness and gratitude we ascribe unto the world the influences of God on earth.
Here we know the experience of the eternal divine while we are alive here and now.
As we center our-self in heart with full yielding and thankfulness we enter the sanctuary where we can commune with our KING. Here there is deep peace and strength known.
It does help to place your hands on your chest breathing as if through your heart in and out slowly coming into full thankfulness.
Here our minds can finally come to rest allowing the presence of the LORD to fill our heart.
Spend some time each morning so communing to set the tone for the day.