Healing Verses of the Psalms is a must-have reference of excerpted verses of the Book of Psalms from the King James Version of the Bible that carry an impactful healing quality. It will serve as your ready reference to find verses that brings healing, relaxation and invigoration in times of stress or for life enhancement.
Healing Verses includes beautiful illustrations and easy-to-understand suggestions for use along with “Insights”, all of which can provide greater application and understanding for how this book can benefit you.
It also comes complete with an index, making it easy to find a verse that applies to a specific need you may have.
You can order copies on this site on the order book page or order them in a Barnes and Noble store. Bulk order rates will apply for your organization, church or interested groups by ordering through Dr. Steve Ventola. If you would like more information regarding bulk orders you can contact Dr. Steve Ventola at DrSteveVentola@mindspring.com. Please title your email bulk order for Healing Verses of the Psalms.
Reviews From Our Readers
“Reading just one verse from ‘Healing Verses Compilation’ each night has made a huge difference in my life. I feel more grounded and feel that God is speaking to me in the verse, leading me to healing and increased energy. I’m so grateful for these ‘Healing Verses’ — thank you, Dr. V!!!”
Linda G. Langstraat, Founder and Director of the Atlanta Adopt-A-Grandparent Program
“I’m constantly amazed by the connection between our thoughts and our health. Dr. Ventola has distilled the Psalms into bite-sized portions that bring comfort and healing to the heart and to the body.”
Tiffany Alley, Founder of Global Connex
“This book simplifies the perplexity of the Psalms and truly shows the gift of healing in the root of each verse.”
Heather Ramirez, long time patient and friend