We are all faced with stresses or challenges in our life some with more intensity than others. What do we do when faced with such challenges. One way is to turn and read and meditate on a verse in the Psalms. For many many years now many people have done so. And the verses are still available to be turned to. They have been a gift for centuries and will continue to be a gift for centuries. Sometimes when something has been around for so long it is taken for granted. It is something to note that the things that have stood the test of time have tremendous value in the present moment NOW. Turn to the verses in the Psalms when you have a need and you will fill an invigoration and a cleansing of spirit that renews and brings a fresh perspective as well as steps to take to meet whatever challenge you are facing.  We can keep moving forward in our lives as we turn to things that matter that put oil back in our lamps lightening the way to see the steps ahead of us.

Making All Things New

We are gifted with the words of the Psalms that can bring a newness and a refreshment to our lives. As we come upon the words that settle our hearts and refresh our minds, our body’s can feel the relaxation of a healthy feeling coming upon it. Here healing can be initiated and continued to repair what is needed as well as allowing for us to feel a healthy experience. Let the words of the verses be received as a gift with all the good feelings a true gift brings.

How well can we forgive?

At  times we may feel the irritation of seemingly being badly done by. How well we can forgive in these situations plays a part in the development of our character and our sound contribution to this world. When we turn to reading a healing  verse and immerse ourselves in the spirit of it something can be made new whereby our hearts come to  rest and our minds can think sensibly. The gift of the provision of healing verses are at hand. Turn to them as needed and continue moving in the direction of greater character and stature. The world needs you.