The good of Jerusalem is the good of the life activities all about you. As we are centered in the place where peace can flood through our hearts we can see what is actually good. Good in terms of that which is abundantly filled with joy, with strength and with decency. Sure enough we may have thoughts that waft through our minds that are aberrant and off the mark but we do not have to pay attention to them. Think of them as just debris floating down the river. We can see it but do not have to jump on and drown with it. Just let it pass on through. The more we are centered in our right places the quicker the debris can pass because to do not judge it or be offended by it. Just let it go. As we do so our attention is available to appreciate the true life activities around us in which we can assist in enhancing. As we do so we shall see good all the days of our life.


Peace is present within ourselves as we are honoring and giving thanks for the life that we have. This life has caused us and is causing us to be. It is something that precedes all our feeling and thinking. It is our conscious responsibility to allow this life  to have unhindered expression through our hearts and minds and out through our body. In order for this to happen our emotional realm needs to be like still waters undisturbed by the cares of this world for the animating currents of the source our being to move across. Our mind’s responsibility is to be a guardian of our heart to keep the still waters. Our mind is to discern what matters and what does not. It needs to give value to that which keeps a tranquil heart. As it does peace is within our walls!


If we are not having great peace then there is something to look at regarding our love for the law. The law that is not temporal rather the law that is eternal. We have been designed to function according to eternal law. Not a law that that is set by man a law that that has been set by God in the creation of this world as well as ourselves. This law involves how we hold in our hearts the qualities congruent with the nature of life that abounds in all the natural world. This law that causes grass to grow trees to reach to the skies and for new babies to be born. This law is the law of creation. It springs from the eternal source of love received by the womb of the truth. When we are feeling that lack of a sense of peace remember there is a law that governs all the natural world. Take note and appreciate this natural world with depth of feeling and you will return to abiding in the law and experiencing that great peace.