Look at the trees. Look at the grass. Look at the land and the water and the sky. When we really look we can see the wisdom of the Lord’s doing. Let us so be awed by it and know and share in the wonder of it.
——your ready healing reference!
Look at the trees. Look at the grass. Look at the land and the water and the sky. When we really look we can see the wisdom of the Lord’s doing. Let us so be awed by it and know and share in the wonder of it.
The infinite Majesty and Wisdom made manifest before our very eyes, contains within it specific, intricate, orchestrated design, wherein all the importance of one, not differ by the whole, for without one, the wholeness would differ. Complementation is inherent within all levels of creation, wise are they who align their contribution as such.
It takes but a moment to find something worthy of awe, if awe has but left us.
Let not stagnant attitudes and opinions be cast upon His Majesties greatest creation, instead let us each be thankful for the privilege to be stricken by awe, this is sharing the wonder, as a young child who plays alone in an imaginary world, that is all but real to him/her.
Our imagination was intended to increase evermore.
Majestic words Josh! Thank you for sharing AND EXTENDING THE SPIRIT OF THEM!