In Psalms 57 and 59 there are a various verses citingĀ  mercy. “God shall send forth his mercy.” “For thy mercy great unto the heavens.” “I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning.”

As I have taken note of the word, mercy, in these psalms it has awakened something deeper in me in regards to the actual mercy of God. I am seeing mercy as something much more than I have before.

Mercy I am seeing is all encompassing it really is total. As I open to this awareness I can sense something relax within me opening up to knowing that I have been more than forgiven for all of my trespasses as well as all of us have been . I trust my words can give you the same feeling and relaxation to give usĀ  a great sense of thankfulness for the moments we have right now and for the rest of our lives.

“Create for yourself positive emotional history going forward.” This HeartMath quotation I see goes along with my thoughts today.

Really as we recieve the mercy of God and relax in our hearts we create this positive emotional history going forward from each of our moments.

Let’s so continue knowing the mercy of God and the peace and refreshment it brings into our experience.

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