The good of Jerusalem is the good of the life activities all about you. As we are centered in the place where peace can flood through our hearts we can see what is actually good. Good in terms of that which is abundantly filled with joy, with strength and with decency. Sure enough we may have thoughts that waft through our minds that are aberrant and off the mark but we do not have to pay attention to them. Think of them as just debris floating down the river. We can see it but do not have to jump on and drown with it. Just let it pass on through. The more we are centered in our right places the quicker the debris can pass because to do not judge it or be offended by it. Just let it go. As we do so our attention is available to appreciate the true life activities around us in which we can assist in enhancing. As we do so we shall see good all the days of our life.

Spiritual Vitamins

I have been finding that upon opening Healing Verses of the Psalms and reading until I find just the right verse to start  my day has served as my daily spiritual vitamin. I have been filled with wonder as I receive the qualities of relaxation, peace and strength in reading ‘just the right verse.” I would invite you all to receive the spiritual enrichment I have been finding by just opening the book in the evening or morning and reading until you find the verse that brings you strength and invigoration. It should not take long and many times it will be the first verse you set your eyes upon.