Everyday, really every moment, we have an opportunity to show forth the lovingkindness of the LORD. As I think about what it means to show forth lovingkindness in the morning I understand it to mean that in the early part of every moment I am positioned to provide that which is kind, that which blends and provides the integration of the oneness of love with all I am with. As I take note of the disturbances that have rocked my soul whereby dissipating this kindness I affirm deeper the need to abide in a place that is spiritually ready. I see the need to continually position my heart in a spirit of complete thankfulness for the gift to be alive in form for the opportunity to bring the kingdom of heaven on earth. As I position my heart  accordingly I see how I can shift my mental perspective from the things that have irritated me to a perspective of opportunity. Here is a realization of active fulfillment.