As we love abiding in the spirits of appreciation, understanding, care, compassion and forgiveness we know the habitation of the house of the LORD. Here there is a natural honour that emanates from us as we honor the LORD in all that we think, say and do.
In addition as we so abide things we have done battle with within ourselves such as fears we may have had are dissipated by the cleansing nature of the LORD at work through ourselves. So often the things we may not like within ourselves we do battle with to try to get rid of all on our own in our own time which NEVER HAPPENS. This only creates a loop of wasted time and living. These things in addition to fear may relate to things we are ashamed of, or things we have hated or things we have wanted. As we acknowledge to “LET THE LORD DO THE WORKS,” through ourselves we can let go of the battle to try to get over these things. We can let the natural processes of cleansing the LORD can only do through ourselves occur as we simply abide in the habitation of his house. Here we choose to abide in the spirits of appreciation, understanding, care, compassion and forgiveness moment by moment, day by day.