At times we may feel the irritation of seemingly being badly done by. How well we can forgive in these situations plays a part in the development of our character and our sound contribution to this world. When we turn to reading a healing verse and immerse ourselves in the spirit of it something can be made new whereby our hearts come to rest and our minds can think sensibly. The gift of the provision of healing verses are at hand. Turn to them as needed and continue moving in the direction of greater character and stature. The world needs you.
Healing Verses are Sacred Words
Why is it that when we feel stressed many of us turn to the things that would allay our turmoil. For some the things turned to may not be constructive. It has been said in times of stress are our greatest moments for growth and the development of character. Turning to the verses in the Psalms when feeling challenged are a way to direct our feelings and thoughts to that which would be constructive. As we consider the words and hold them sacred something of encouragement and light does arise. We have been gifted with the words not only for times of stress but also for times to cultivate a sense of right orientation in our hearts and minds. Let’s keep oil in our lamps by considering the words of the Psalms and the bible in relaxed times also so we have a reserve available for when we are faced with challenges.