This is a good verse to meditate upon especially when challenged with something. If we really put our trust in the spirit of this statement it will allow our minds to come to rest enough whereby our salvation from God can come. If we can just lift of our hearts to the awareness of this statement it will bring enough pause to move through a trial we may be facing. We each have our challenges. Let’s open our eyes to where our salvation comes from and allow it to be known in and through our living. Remember our individual challenges may seem like only our own however as we do our part in meeting them with grace and stature we collectively increase the name of the Lord on earth.
Another word for hope is confidence. As we know to wait on the Lord, to wait upon the wisdom in knowing when to act and when to wait we increasingly know a confidence and trust that things will work out fine. Sometimes when we are challenged by a situation we may act frantically which makes the circumstance seem hopeless. If we remember just to upright our self and take a deep breath in orienting to honor the Lord in our expression we will find the “breath of life” sustaining us and giving us just enough patience to let wisdom be received into our heart and mind knowing a confidence that allows us to handle such moments with mastery.
The Healing Verses an Opportunity to Receive the Truth of Love
The verses in the psalms are an opportunity to turn to the truth to resonate with it. As we do resonate with the truth that springs from the essence of love we will feel comforted and encouraged especially in challenging times. However why wait for challenging times. It is good to turn to the truth when feeling great in acknowledging a reality that is causing all things to be. There is a verse in the psalms that states, “before I was afflicted I went astray.” In times of feeling great it good to keep in line with the truth setting up a future that continues to bring increasing peace and a greater experience of life. Let’s keep in mind whether we find ourselves in challenging times or so called easier times let’s always give thanks for the truth that is and that is always gifting us with the love that is springing from it.